Our human brain is one of the most interesting and complex part of our organisms in my opinion. People these days, even very intelligent people barely use a small percentage from the total power of our brains. I believe evolution might be involved on people using a more abundant percentage of their brain's power, but it is very uncertain. The brain as you probably know, is divided into two main parts. The left and right hemispheres. These hemispheres control specific actions of ours and are in charge of many diverse tasks people do every day. They are also known as the left and right sides of the brain. Each of the brain sides control different ways of thinking of people. The left brain for instance, is more logical, uses more reasoning, makes us think rationally and is more objective. While the right brain is more subjective, uses instinct and it is more random. People may be thought as left brained or right brained. But, the truth is a combination of both sides of the brain is necessary and natural in human beings. The two brain hemispheres are connected by the corpus collasum which is a large bundle of nerve fibers. The corpus collasum gives the ability to both sides of our brain to communicate. In our brain we have little specific parts that are in charge of all abilities we have. Paul Broca, a doctor who studied the brains of his aphasic patients discovered which specific part of the front lobe was responsible for our speech or syntactical abilities. He did so when he found a lesion on one of his patients in the ventroposterior part of his frontal lobe. Because of this, his patient barely had syntactical abilities and barely said the word “tan”.This part became known as the Broca's area. Roger Sperry won a nobel prize for his work called the “split brain”. In his study, he tested ten patients who had epileptics. They tested these people, by asking them to do different tasks that were known to be controlled by specific brain hemispheres. By doing so, Sperry found out each brain hemisphere had consciousness. Karl Wernicke, found out that language and comprehension deficiencies were not always due to damage or lesions in the part of the brain known as the Borca's area. He found out that damage on the left posterior, superior temporal gyrus also caused lack of language comprehension. This part of the brain is know as the Wernicke's area. Specific brain lobes are responsible for our abilities. For instance, our vision and ability to recognize things comes from our occipital lobe. The temporal lobe is most responsible for our hearing and language. The frontal lobe is most responsible for us to do math calculations. The frontal lobe is also the most responsible for our abilities of judgment, reasoning, and ability to control our impulse. I believe the brain is the mos extraordinary part in our bodies. I as a person have a goal to unlock more and more of the incredible potential my brain has.
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